George Noory is a Fucking Idiot-Discuss

How's that for a start? For several weeks I've had several people prompting me to post more here, and to share my many thoughts and rants on the performance of
Unfortunately I've been crippled by a form of writer's block. In my case it's caused by such a wealth of material to draw from that I have no earthly idea where to begin. George Noory sucks so much, so hard and so badly that I'm completely overwhelmed. Should I begin with his lack of ability to speak? And if so, should I focus on his inability to pronounce the simplest and most common household word? Or should I focus on the fact that this self-aggrandizing "consummate professional" has so much saliva in his mouth at any given time that he makes Daffy Duck seem like Sir John Gielgud?
Perhaps I could focus on his grammar, syntax and usage, which has been of interest to me for a long time. I desperately want to understand why a 56 year old man who was born and raised in the United States of America - Dearborn Heights, Michigan, to be exact - can so blithely and unwittingly butcher the English language on a regular basis the way he does.
I think I'll save that for a later, more in depth study, but for now, I think the best explanation may be that he was probably raised in a bi-lingual (Lebanese-English) household whose occupants probably didn't have an aptitude for grammar, regardless of the language being spoken.
Or it could just be that he's stupid. I dunno.
Today, though, I'll leave it with a very annoying and unprofessional habit he's gotten into in the last year.
For whatever reason - and please, I encourage you all to "discuss", as
When this happens, (and you can practically hear the virtual light bulb, dim as it is, turn on over his balding noggin ) Noory invariably will interrupt his guest, often mid-sentence, to tell them of his idea for a future show that may or may not include them, and proceed to engage them in helping him to plan out the particulars of this show.
In essence he brings the entire program and it's intent to a screeching halt, because - stop the presses!, he's had an idea, He will then go on to tell his guest what his envisioned plan for this future show will be, how it will include them, what they need to do to help him facilitate that, and that "When we go to break, I want you to give your phone number to Tommy (producer, call screener, and "Jim Fowler" to George's "Marlin Perkins", Tom Danheiser) so that Tommy can contact them later to help set up this show. This will often go on for ten minutes or so before Noory remembers he's supposed to be talking to the guest about their latest endeavors, and even then George Noory will frequently interject something pertaining to his "great idea" about this potential "upcoming show" throughout the rest of the interview.
Last night's show, with guest medium and demon aficionado, Chip Coffey, was a textbook example. As a sort of ace-in-the-hole for his interview, Chip had brought along a woman whose alias was "Maria Simpson", and who was a friend of
"Ms. Simpson" was an older, genteel, soft-spoken, Southern lady, and Coffey and Simpson were of the opinion that Chapman had murdered John Lennon because a demon from Ms. Simpson's house had attached itself to Chapman and instructed him to do so. As she spoke it became evident that Ms. Simpson was well acquainted with Chapman (now residing in a solitary cell in Attica) at one time, but had not been in touch with him for years, and by her hesitant tone and inflections, it seemed he would just as soon not have anymore contact with her, nor she with him.
Noory (who proudly claims that "the meat of the matter" is his forte, subtlety & nuance be damned...) missed that part, not surprising, as it was blatantly obvious by his many silences throughout the interview that he was busy reading forums and fast blasts on the internet, trying to mine the minds of other people who were paying attention for good questions to ask, since he clearly had nothing.
Excuse me for a moment, but may I? HE'S A FUCKING IDIOT!!! . Not only that, but a rude idiot.
Near the end of Ms. Simpson's "appearance" on the show, as she was speaking, Noory was hit with one of his trademark, Geraldo-esque, 1/2 baked, exploitational ideas, and ground the interview to a halt to ask Ms. Simpson if she could arrange for her, Coffey and himself to go to Attica to interview Chapman about this demon!!!
He at least had the sense to ask Ms. Coffey if she would be comfortable with this, and she quickly but graciously replied "I don't know whether I would or not, it's a part of my life that was so traumatic I don't think I really would care to." , and her tone was so obviously troubled and uncomfortable. But did Noory let it go? Or care? Or even notice ?? Oh hell no!! He then proceeded to pester her & ask if she would at least arrange it so he and Coffey could go and do that. She agreed to try. At that point Noory told her to hang on so that she could give the ubiquitous Tommy her telephone number and contact information. When she agreed, she was basically "excused" from the interview, and you could practically hear Noory's thought, "Your money's on the counter, bitch, I'm through with you."
What a fucking ass. The woman had just said that it was a traumatic part of her life, someplace she's not comfortable revisiting, she's not on the show for any gain of her own, hell, she probably only agreed to do it because she didn't want to seem rude, and here's that fucking, insensitive prick Noory goading her on the air so he can come off as what he touts himself to be (and is not) - a "cutting edge investigative reporter". He is such an Geraldo.
And one more thought, before I leave you, Fans of Coast to Coast - If the lady is on the show already, on the goddam radio talking, via telephone, WHY THE FUCK DO THEY NEED HER PHONE NUMBER???. How did she get on the air in the first place? Did they have her speed dial the Wild Card Line until she got through? Who the fuck set this show up? One would presume the producer, Tom Danheiser, who is right there in the studio with them. Surely he already had her phone number, as well as that of Chip Coffey, who also clearly had to have had her phone number - why the fuck would they be asking her for it?
Furthermore, and to the point of my entire rant, WHY THE FUCK IS NOORY SETTING UP INTERVIEWS AND FUTURE SHOWS WHILE HE'S ON THE AIR????. Whether it's his job or the producer's, that shit should be done off the air, there is absolutely no reason why that needs to be happening. Yet it does. On a regular basis.
Is it Noory just trying to "show off"? Does he think it makes him look like some kind of a big wheel to be wheeling and dealing and "making things happen" right there in front of everyone?
Or maybe he feels his producers are too inept to handle it themselves. Could that be? Maybe he's afraid Tommy or Lisa Lyon will drop the ball. I don't fucking know, but I sure would like to.
Coast to Coast under George Noory's "guidance" has been a dog and pony show for quite some time now, but I think The Ringmaster has finally lost any kind of grip on reality he's ever had, and that was a shaky grip, at best, to begin with.
Man he sucks.
Dixie Girl, I love ya. I feel at home now. A real place to rant about how stupid that dumb bastard Snoory is. For so long now I've suffered in silence as I listened to the show. The other well-known C2C forums did not want nary a disparaging word said about Georgie Boy.
Also, I want to clear the air on a few things about my belief of what a dumb bastard Snoory is. I do not think that because Art left the weeknight show and I would be mad at anyone taking his place. Oh no, Snoory earned his "what a dumb bastard he is" title the first few nights he took over the show. I had never heard of the idiot before. I scribbled down incredibly stupid things Snoory said and did. But, there were so many I ran out of paper to write on.
The other thing I hear is "If you think he is so dumb don't listen to the show." That sounds like a good point for someone to make. However, the fact is - even with Snoory's annoying incredible incompetence - I hear interesting guests and callers talking about things I would generally not hear otherwise. So there....
Thanks you so much for joining me, TexasSteel - it's an honor to have you here! I understand the frustration of running out of paper to jot down the ridiculous things that come from that man's mouth - I have notebooks FULL of them. I had to stop because of carpal tunnel like effects. It's almost as if he's trying to be uniformly moronic so that the audience forgets what intelligent conversation sounds like.
A sort of "In the land of the Blind, the one eyed man is King..." mentality, where One Eyed King George runs madly about trying to gouge out everyone's eyes. Or I guess in this case it would be a deaf, zombie King George, piercing eardrums and gobbling grey matter.
As for the "If you don't like it, don't listen" argument? Fuck that. They just have chips on their shoulders because they're not smart enough to realize their hero has the IQ of a fence post.
His performance on the show is substandard by any definition, and there are plenty of people who could replace him and do a better job if Premier Radio and those up and down the ladder from them gave a damn. If more of the public fan forums allowed people to really speak their minds, I'm sure you'd hear plenty of people say what you & I think. And maybe then someone "in charge" of that monkey house they call Coast to Coast on week nights might take notice and make a change for the better.
Until then, well, at least you & I have a place to vent, eh, TS ?
Cheers, man! I raise a virtual Shiner Bock to you!
Hey Dixie Girl, glad to see you are still at it my friend, it pains me to know you have to listen to this idiot to get information but somebody has to do it. Miss you very much.
letter to me from that bastard lex ''''Lex
To: xxxxxx
Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 4:35 pm
Subject: Posting on the Forum Quote message
You are more than welcome to share constructive criticism on the Coast Riders board, but personal attacks such as:
"get rid of that lame brained silly arsed wimpish georgy norry".
"and definitely no shortage of STUPID radio hosts like georgy Norry ."
will not be tolerated. If you don't understand our rules about personal attacks (name calling etc.) please review this section from our Terms & Conditions:
"Personal attacks:
We invite and encourage a healthy exchange of opinions. If you disagree with an opinion or idea expressed by another member or the host, by all means, challenge the opinion or idea - not the person. Personal attacks on individuals, insults and "flaming" will not be tolerated and will be removed. You may challenge others' points of view and opinions, but do so respectfully and thoughtfully. "
Thanks for your consideration in this matter.
Lex'''' george noory is about the sorriest SOB of a so called radio host i have ever heard on the radio in years of listening to talk radio . i believe a homeless wino could do a better job !
well I agree with all your comments and find them "witty" humorous? at the same time, where else would I find such a unique place for human beings to express oneself in any perverse,unchristly,"incrediblystupid" {your words} I am so fed up with persons to pretend "to be"---a what? at least here one can let ones hair down and just let it all"HANG"...poor George! I wanna say he has the patience of a saint to have to listen to this stuff day by day. ME--I have found this radio station not only a valuable school, but it also gives me a point of reference. I can get up in the morning and say-hey,I'm O.K. I'm not as crazy as I thought I was. so there! patience,kindness,perseverance,compassion---for a wanna-be -buddha. thank-U
The guy is so dumb I cant even listen to the show....its way too painful and frustrating. Why didnt they give the show to Ian Punnett? And why did Art ever endorse GN? Anyways, I hope they get someone intelligent in that spot...such a waste of a good time slot for us insomniacs.
i hope i'm not out of line mentioning this here, but i have found a rather effective outlet for those of us who are of like mind:
Not at all, thank you for mentioning it - a much better place than here, as they are much more current than I am. George finally got so old and tired that I would only be repeating myself with my various observations of his lying and idiocy. But God bless the gang at - and also the gang at the George Noory Sucks thread at that other place whose name escapes me.
But yes! Feel free to advertise away for websites like that- aren't near enough of them. And I hope and pray that Noory, Tom and most of all, Premier Radio honchos, read everything over there. Fire the bastard...
Love, Dixie....
Hi Dixe. I was just browsing around the other day and did a Google search about George Noory. Why? Because I am a long-term listener to that show and I simply cannot believe how long the powers-that-be at Premiere have allowed this inept, clueless, inane, lame-brained host hang on to his job. I found your blog and, though the entry to which I add my comments was written a year-and-a-half ago, nothing has changed at C2C. If anything, George has gotten even worse at his job -- which is amazing because he never was any good and I just didn't believe he could actually *get* worse.
I will preface this by saying that I listened to Art Bell since he was doing political discussions on KDWN in Las Vegas. I used to think his show was great after he transitioned to discussions of the paranormal, and, like many others, I suffered through his constant dramas and absences. But this comment isn't about THAT show; it's about the "new" Coast To Coast AM with George Noory at the helm...
I have to say that George is, by far, the worst interviewer I have ever heard. He can't conduct an interview to save his life... George is just NEVER prepared -- and hey, they pay him to be prepared to conduct effective interviews. (Or maybe Premiere will say, "No, we pay him to increase ratings...) He constantly steers guests away from areas that are potentially interesting. When the show goes to break, he is INCAPABLE of returning to the topic previously under discussion, even when that discussion was not complete. I think George is doing his taxes during the show. At least he sounds like it... Of course, I understand that he is really scanning FastBlasts for questions -- since he rarely has any but the most generic questions or comments of his own. It's laughable when George cannot find questions to ask guests on FastBlast because the show pretty much grinds to a halt as he asks questions he has already asked or that his guest has already very clearly answered during his or her presentation.
It is almost as if George comes in an hour before the show, learns who the guest and the topic is, and then asks a staff member to write down some generic questions. Then, when he's interviewing, he'll come out of left field to interrupt the guest (who is talking about something really interesting), and ask, "So what got you interested in this profession/interest/research/whatever?" Then we never get back to what they were talking about before George interrupted. I can frequently hear the frustration in the guest's voice.
George's constant refrain has become, over the past several months, "I love it." Well, I wish his listeners and guests loved it. It's like George just can't get to callers soon enough so listener's won't expect anything more from him -- he can pretty much stop talking, kick back, and collect a paycheck. Oh, but I got a kick out of it the other night when he was doing a show about oil/alternative fuels and someone asked him what kind of car he drives. I'll paraphrase his response: "Er... I don't like to give that out because someone might follow me. It's American though!" Shoot, what he doesn't want to admit is that it's a big honking Cadillac... And he doesn't want us to know that because he realizes the extent to which it will alienate him from the everyday folks who comprise the core of his audience. That, and the fact that he can talk about the price of gas and how irresponsible the government is, but he can drive something that gets 3 miles per gallon because HE can afford it.
But he doesn't have to worry about that because he believes in abiotic oil -- that the Earth constantly replenishes it's oil supply. George vehemently opposes the idea that "fossil fuels" are created by decomposition of dinosaurs, as he always puts it. Well, of fucking course not. Fossil fuels were created by all kinds of decaying organic matter like millions and millions of years of trees, grasses, and other plants. Of course there were dinosaurs (and mammals, marsupials, insects, and so on) thrown into that mix, but George, in case you can't figure this out, there are lots of sources of organic matter besides dinosaurs. All you have to do is look at a British peat bog or a Louisiana swamp to realize the vastness of organic matter that used to completely COVER the land masses of the Earth. If you do this, it is not at all difficult to understand how millions of years worth of organic matter under tremendous pressure for hundreds of millions of years can eventually turn into oil or coal.
Finally, in the last hour of the July 3, 2008 show, Matt Savinar lit into George for spreading this bullcrap about abiotic oil. Basically, Savinar took George apart and did everything except call him an idiot for believing the Earth simply "manufactures" oil with no need for organic matter. I believe at one point Matt actually called George "irresponsible" and it certainly was not lost on critical listeners that Matt was saying, "George, you are a stupid fuck." You could tell Savinar was frustrated with George's idiocy; you could also tell that Savinar didn't care if he was ever invited back on the show. I'll bet that show was his last. It's still on StreamLink as I write this, so if you have access, give a listen. It's funny to hear George being handed his nit-wittery on a plate.
Another thing that bothers me is the extent to which callers routinely begin their discussions with, "George, I love this show and you are the best host I have ever heard." What, do the producers/screeners PAY these people to say these things? Or is this the price of admission to get on the air? Now, I do understand that some people are not especially intelligent -- hell, 1/4 of the adult population of the U.S. cannot point to North America on a map or a globe. (This is true, BTW, not hyperbole.) So, maybe these folks really do think George is a great host, I dunno. But I just do not understand how anyone with one ounce of grey matter can actually believe this. I always have to snicker when someone calls Ian and basically says, "Whew, I'm glad you are on on Sunday nights because I get so sick of how stupid George is during the week." Ian always tries to cover this up as gracefully as possible, but you can tell that he realizes George is an idiot.
So, C2C makes it because it's the only game in town -- well, maybe that's an overstatement because there are some very good local/regional early A.M. shows. But C2C is the only *national* show at that hour of the early A.M. because it's still rolling on the head of steam that Art provided. However, if someone came out and syndicated a quality show that actually deals with the paranormal and various conspiracy-related topics, I've got to believe listeners would abandon C2C in droves.
If the good folks at Premiere are happy with the penetration of this show now, they should try getting a good host and they'd see things getting even better.
ability to find the most insane lunatics in the world, and have them as guests.
It is a real shame. One can only wonder at the management which fails to rid themselves of such a looser ...
george noory is simply the biggest looser on radio that there is, has linbaugh and hannity beat hands down!
I am not able to stomach more than one show a month. When Art Bell was running things, I hardly ever missed a show.
I pray for the day they fire this nut-case.
Hey Sugar - you really need to check out
You'll find a lot of like minded folks, and even a bit of solace there.
-Big Dix
Noory uses the word "incredible"to modify every noun he utters. he should learn some new adjectives. Also,he's wrong to say: "There are no coincidences." There are a million coincidnces every second. Every infant knows this."Synchronicity"is a
fallacious concept. It's magical thinking. Send George all these comments,and send them with Love and Humility. All radio people are stupid. Did you ever hear Murry the K?
To parody the immortal words of Ann Richards, the late great Governor of Texas, at the 1988 Democratic National Convention...
Poor George Noory, he can't help it. He was born with a silver microphone stuck up his ass.
Ole George is the Dirty Sanchez on the dead, clammy upper-lip of the corpse of C2C. It is not enough for him that he killed it, he continues his desecration of the body night after night. At long last George, have you NO shame?
The only person capable of keeping the show alive is George Knapp.period.
George and Ian, are killing c2c.
I could fill volumes with nooryisms. My favorite is the one when, soon after the tidal waves that it American Samoa, George actually called the people of Samoa, "Samolians"
I about had a Heart Attack the first time I heard him say that he did 8 hours of show prep every day! If that's true, George, maybe you could spend an extra 5 minutes and read thru your opening monologue once instead of reading it cold every night.
"That's amazing", is actually George's most commonly used expression, second to "that's incredible". i found this thread because i just finished suffering through another potentially great interview, that once again would have been better with the absence of G.N.! George, don't worry about impressing us, of your vast knowledge, just actively listen to your guest. Half the time it sounds like G.N. is watching a football game, as he has to listen to his guest, and gives replies that dont even matter to what was said before. One night the employee line of area 51 caller, called in to tell george he wanted to field questions everyone might have, and george didn't have any idea of a classic and very popular brodcast, hosted by Art originally. i'm not even a loyal fan of c2c, and i had heard of that brodcast! i mean, is george having his mind erase on a regular basis, because he has a covert life; it was unbelievable! and it was live, for everyone to hear. G.N. would be a great host for an old-time, nostalgia radio program. he always seems to bring his interviews back to a familiar realm of, "how they dont make things like they used". anyone talking about or complaining about how things aren't like they use to be, will have G.N. hook line and sinker, supporting their argument. what i want to know is what is ole G.N.'s real interest, because its not super-fringe ideas, heard on c2c. i think his favorite subject is, survival of a post-apocalyptical era!
If he sucks so much, why do you continue to listen to him?! Sounds pretty pathetic to me don't you think?
He is a "schtick" guy. Can't anyone hear the mocking, disrespect that he has for the guests on his show?
You can pick up the blatant mocking overtones that he has with regards to most of his guests.
He is like the Jerry Springer of radio... He puts on the most lunatic, psychotic, idiotic space cases and lets them rant...only to condescendingly mock them with subtle interruptions and statements only encouraging their LUNACY. I think it is absolutely hilarious.
Off the air, he has indicated that he doesn't believe half of the crap that he puts on the show...but people will tune in to listen and some of them even believe half the stuff that they hear! BAHAHHAHAHA.
"That's amazing" and "that"s incredible"....ahhahahhahaha...I LOVE when he does that. He just did that tonight towards the end of his show!
Fricking hilarious. I find myself using those phrases when I am listening to some jackrod telling worthless, over exagerated stories that I having a hard time believing. Think of a Spring audience and you guys are it!
Sorry, getting late...think of a Jerry Springer audience.
Coast to Coast and all it's damn conspiracy theories are so Idiotic I don't know where to begin. Frickin head cases must listen to this damn show and think it's absolutely amazing. Wait...I listen to that show. Ok, but I still think it is absolutely hilarious shit!!! And NO I do not believe a frickin word that he, his guests or callers say!!!
OMG. I thought I was the only one who thought this guy was a waste of time. I have had to stop listening. It infuriates me when he stops an interesting guest to ask about some thing ridiculous like Atlantis or remote viewing , big foot etc, etc.. I am embarrased at Noorys ignorance on any serious subject Bring on Ian Punnet,
at least he shows knowledge and has genuine interest in the subject on hand.
Disgusted in Canada
I moved here from Sweden 8 years ago. Pretty soon I found C2C on the dial. For maybe a week I thought it was all a joke, pure entertainment. Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine people being so fucking stupid. I thought Schnoory was real funny. Well, I still do, but in a different way. And I still listen to him every now and then, just for a good laugh. What a clown!
I Cant stand Noory,, total idiot pushes a lot of Crap... all he is is the King Of Rdio Tabloid IE National Enquirer. Not to mention loves himself a bit to much aswell a complete fear monger.
This son of a ----- is a sorry replacement for the glory of Art &Ramonas' great desert fortress oast to Coast AM that was built by their sweat,hands,and tears for our salvation from the tyranny of lies-and to Quest for disclosure an the truth about what is really the reality of the Earth,it's inhabitants,and the real UFO's that I myself have witnessed to be in fact real.Art is irreplaceable and he made a grave mistake in leaving us all;but we know that the damned government was hot on his heels'and I suspect that a lot of things are untold torments .He left the counttry after the loss of everything that was dear to him in search of happiness as his beloved wife wished for him;but I really wish that she would have expressed the solid need to continue coast to coast AM for all of us,and his and h8is import of rich and meaningful guests-true Quality late night radio of undiscovered material held back from we the American public by all the assholes out there like Geoge Nory,Ian Pnnitt,Michael Medved,Savage,and the like.... I ask each of you to do your best to rail to remove these fools who disguise themselves as our friends in need;when in fact - they are our enemies.they impede the truth.There is no real investigative measure taken unless they have an original forefront leader.George is totally hung up on DEATH--Life after Death'MORE DEATH & anthing to do with DEATH.HE worships DEATH>Death is his friend.He just longs to be closer to DEATH>I wouldn not doubt that he really longs to be an Mortician-or Vampire-grave robber;Zombie--anything to do with dead.Pull the wings off of flies & bugs. Mars an the Moon were pretty important in the days of ART BELL as the shoud always be forefront-it's important that we find out the rest of the story-like Hoagland is dying to tell us all.But he is not allowed the stinking airtime anymore,he is held back by the scallywag's who endeavor only to preach the allmighty COMMERCIAL AD. YES MY FRIENDS --George NORY (NOORY) SUCKS!!!!!!!! WE NEED ART BELL. Please plead and request to PREMIERE RADIO (Washingto & OREGON AM RADIO) to get Art Back Again.Start the program anue'.Band together Now! Anything necessary to eliminate thi redundant stupidity on the Coast to Coast AM Radio-and if I were them , I'd be so ashamed of George Nory after having the years of wonderous programs engineered and brought to us through the endeavors of ART and his Family-COMET & YEHTI too. Let's face it---We all LOVE ART and need him back at the helm of the baby that he gave birth to. J.R. Nichols
That's strange, one of your main attacks on George was for him trying to get to the bottom of whether or not a demon had anything to do with a murder, which I think is totally wrong of you because that is what his show is supposed to be about: solving mysteries (not that he's good at it). But according to you he was trying very hard. Also, I really don't see what the big deal is, who cares if it made her very uncomfortable? What matters (if you're a Christian at least) is bringing to light the supernatural, and unexplained mysteries of natural things and whether or not God exists. My problem is that George DOESN'T do this much but rather, as you say, is stupid, not so much rude (unless you mean by ignoring Christian callers who no doubt call to tell him Jesus is the only way and that he's promoting demons and nonsense as "rude") as stupid. I can understand why he'd ignore the Christian callers being that he's a false Christian and if his goal is to make money and be entertaining and he doesn't believe in fundamentalism then logically you'd not bore and distress your audience with repetitious attacks. I'm not saying it's right, but that's what the world does, ignore rebukes from Christians in general. But over and over I've noticed that someone will say they've come into contact with bigfoot or an alien or took an amazing pic of vid and often he doesn't bother asking WHERE or WHEN or to send the pic or vid. Where in the world is his mind at such times? It's appalling to me. I have many criticisms myself of him posted on my journal. What is truly stupid and annoying of him his is glorification of Richard C. Hoagland, a liar and credit thief, and even recently rubbed salt in the wound by patting him on the back regarding his false claim to have been the first one to say there were possibly oceans on Europa, and George was just flattering him lie slobbering dog slobber all over another dog, and it was obvious he was just saying that to kill air time and get Richard to stay in love with him. George also keeps babbling about John Titor as possibly being a genuine time traveler when it's been shown that that man was a typical liar of the false spiritist/medium/psychic type. He also foolishly allows this parody of fundamentals Christians to waste air time and often kills the show at the end when he plays this faggy song by UFO Phil, an obvious narcissist. He might as well say, "Narcissism is a good thing." What I find most annoying of all is his obvious attempts at trying to seem smart, flattering the guest, and trying to kill air time by making absurd sounding agreements with absurd statements, like, "So true," "Absolutely," "Can't argue with you there," "Right," "Exactly," "Sure," "You're absolutely right," "That's so true," and it can be an utterly stupid statement like, "Well people I've found emanate bad chakra energies all the time and it causes all kinds of problems like mental disorders, physical disabilities and can even cause weather problems." It's good to avoid making people feel bad, but he goes to far by affirming the absurd, and when mentally ill, lost and confused people are listening and learning from him. He's spreading mental illness himself ironically with his promotion of stupidity and agreeing with it while making it seem like fundamentalist Christians are bad and no one to listen to despite them saying that "Do to others as you would have them do to you" is their highest law.
oops I meant "too far", mentioned that in case you decided to tell me I was stupid and had bad grammar just over that...
OK-I thought it was just me being petty-I get really sick of the Georgeisms-like-"that could very well be"...(translation W.T.F. did you say) If I hear him mention his upcoming visit to "the big island" once more I think I will dry heave on my i-pod. or his use of the term "the wireless internet"- all the other hosts on C2C I can deal with-if you want a laugh check out a YouTube video of George telling jokes at the opening of awake and aware 2011-the last of the Vaudivillians
Here is my take on the situation...First of all I am one of those people who look for humor in small talk. Well to his credit George provides many lmao moments on any given night which puts him ahead of Ian Punnet! I am no professional grammar student so I miss some of his grammatical screw ups like the author of this article and blog but seriously, George asks some of the most ridiculous follow up questions and makes some of the dumbest exclaimatory comments while a story is being told. He constantly misses the point and is always being corrected by the guest. This stuff is radio gold! I will agree that his follow up questions don't go where I would like to see them go. His guest interruptions are bad but again they are also funny if you'll just open your self up to that angle LOL! Anyways, thankfully he does shut up long enough for the most part for the guest to get their points across to the audience.
Tonight (3-15-12) I see Snoory has Ed Dames on with his stupid Remote Viewing. Dames has NEVER been correct about ANYTHING EVER. I know we all loved Art and we all miss him - but Art thought Dames hung the moon also. That was always a mystery to me, but he did. Anyway, Snoory is an idiot and Dames is an idiot also. Now, I feel better
Noory is a miserable cupcake -- so fucking stoopid he couldn't find Area 51 if he bailed out of a Cessna flying over Groom lake. He butchers common words, phrases, and even locations within the state which he now infests (Costa "Mess-uh", anyone?). Whatever he received an Emmy for, it damn sure wasn't for his expertise with linguistics. As for his nine years in the Navy, that's likely bullshit as well -- theywould've shown that rust-picker the door after six months. I love it when callers ask a guest a question then the guest requests some follow-up info from the caller, only to be told by "Mr. Patronizing Assclown" that the caller has "moved on". Right, don't have the chutzpah to just say you hung up on the poor sap. Noory's choice of bumper music has got to be worthy of a world record for mediocrity......nothing but elevator music for cheese-dicks. Noory should marry Ian Punkass and retire from radio altogether. I'd rather listen to George Knapp or John Wells any day!
I am George Noory. I have read all of your comments and appreciate the constructive criticism. However, if tbeersonal attacks do not stop, I will prove that alien do in fact control comets made from compact sanskrit materials. You know,..this would be a fantastic idea for a future show. ESP and the extra-terrestrial. Be sure to take your carnivora!
Spellcheck is a product of Nazi Germany And that's why I, G. Noory, will not use....
I can not tell you all how incredibly "jazzed" I am to have found this site!!!
For the longest time I kept thinking to myself, " it just me? Have I just gotten to picky, to critical as I've gotten older? this guy the WORST interviewer on the radio!?!? Is it just me or this guy just a fucking MORON???"
Thank you for letting me know it's NOT "just me"!!!
It's like Noory was just handed the keys to a freakin' GOLD MINE...and barely...and I mean BARELY keeps the thing running.
Does anyone here know how he ever got handed this show in the first place!?!?!? (I've not read ALL of the posts here yet...and maybe that's addressed?).
Has there been any attempt to "Mutiny" and get this ass-bag canned???
Do you know that for 3 years i've listened to George Noory, via podcast as I'm Australian, in silent BUT POTENT suffering...thinking it must be me ALONE that can barely stand to listen to him, but keep on listening - why? Because the guests are the star of his shows and usually somehow manage to make their point despite George's ubiquitous mouthing off etc (I'm not going to list his faults here). But just then he SO FRUSTRATED me that i googled "George Noory is an idiot" because...I just could no longer believe I was the only one to notice this GLOWING fact! Heheh. ah...yep, feeling better already having just found this site.
For God's sake George Noory, listen to recordings of your interviews.."Could they have had ET help?" "Edgar Cayce said.." "But who created the creator?" Same questions over and over again! Are you an absolute idiot? Is there any inquisitiveness, genuine interest or imagination left in you?
Do you realize that your interest as expressed in your questions sounds shallow and disingenuous? That answers to questions such as "who created the creator?" are close-ended and unanswerable except for answers we have all heard before? Is there any originality or passion left in you, or have you become totally moronic? What is your problem? Is it depression? Boredom? Fear?
Do you even prepare beforehand? And do you listen carefully to your guests so that you are able to pick vital points from their answers needing further elaboration, or is the path of least resistance for you to just ask the same canned questions and therefore not have to listen?
George, sincerely, do you have gas inside your bowels creating a pressure problem for you? Is this why you cannot concentrate on your guests?
As host John Wells might say, "Folks, we got a real problem with the ship's captain." "We have a fraud and an impostor aboard and I sincerely believe that a mutiny is in order!"
George Noory has run the C2C franchise into the ground. Like other small fish in shrinking tiny ponds, his myopic view of the world is painful to witness.
Dull, lethargic, unimaginative, and unintelligent, the host has finally reduced the show's content down to his own level.
While we will never get Art back, it is now well past the time when it is necessary to give someone else the opportunity to bring the magic of the "what ifs" back to the wee dark hours of the night.
Is it just me, or is anyone else driven up the wall by Noron's use of the singy-songy phrase "How ARE you?" every time he brings a guest on?
Also, ever notice how the most common basis of comparsion for this mental midget is movies? ("It's just like in Contact, when blah, blah, blah ...")
Tonight on air he was all pissed that anyone says negative things about him. Why don't they get a life ? I see he can go on air and talk about anything but don't dare discuss HIM.
He kept talking OVER his guest tonight, Lori someone, a privacy expert - forgot her last name. He has that fake laugh too, horrible. He will interrupt guests so he can say it FIRST, wants us all to know he knows EVERYTHING. He has the maturity of a 3 year old.
hey there are forums all over about how much George sucks ! Just google anything derogotory and it will lead you to another "George is...." forum !
You must see this great Motor City Moron Pizza Roll video. Help it go viral!
I have listened to C2C since the late 80s when it was the Art Bell Show. It was a sad day when George Noory replaced Art Bell. I haven't said anything all these years because until John B Wells started hosting Saturday night, I has not seen a suitable replacement for Art Bell. We have that replacement in John B Well. If anyone know a way to start a campaign to replace George Noory with Wells please post it. Noory is one of the worse interviewers that I have ever listened to. He interrupts guests, asks inane questions. Always has to voice his opinions. Who care about his opinion. We are here to hear the guests. Tends to change the subject when the guest is just getting to the meat of the subject. When a guest answers a question, Noory will reply most the time with "that's right" or some other statement, when its clear he has no idea what the guest is talking about. In other words, he either doesn't have the intellect to understand the guests or subjection matter being discussed or he just doesn't listen to guests or callers. C2C when Noory is on resembles the Captain Kangaroo show more than the original Art Bell show. With Art there was some real gravitas and he could interview a guest for 4 hours and continue to keep the interest of the listening public. I believe Noory changed the format to always have 2 or more guests on because he just doesn't have the intellect to continue to question a single guest for more than an hour. Either that or he just doesn't bother to put any preparation into a show before it airs. John B Wells is polite, asks thoughtful questions and lets everyone answer fully without cutting them off. His shows have topics that are generally more relevant and require more courage to air. He is bringing back the gravitas that we were accustomed to while listening to Art Bell.
Snorrry said years ago he would retire in 2012 and I was excited but the ass kisser is still on the air like an old lingering fart...WHY?
Snoory lost any credibility he could have had by ass kissing Sylvia Browne live on C2C the night she said all the miners would be found alive... when Browne burns in Hell I hope Montell is on her right with Snoory on her left...
He has no critical thinking NONE! He is as wishy-washed as no one I have ever met. Never questions or examines what the guest says. The majority of his guests talk about new age "energies, emotions, feelings, powers, frequencies, vortexes and other intangible BS" that they never even explain how they can do such "incredible" feats. Oh, they just feel, and oh hey they can just will them to happen...what the actual F?
Noory, why don't you actually question them dude? Oh and hey when you have someone who is genuinely smart and interesting with important experiences and personal stories, please SHUT the HELL UP and DO NOT interrupt them with pointless random questions. Is that such a difficult thing to do? Just let them speak, you are infuriating. Shove your scam commercials up something. Oh! and after the commercials...DONT change the previous subject. We and the guest are not done listening. If I was sharing the same space with you I' d throw you out post haste.
And I do not care to know about your personal life or how you family is. I am here to hear what the guest has to say. Screen your guests better (why do I have to tell you that?), there are more random cat ladies talking about their "power" to talk to their cats (really man?), than credible researchers and scientists.
FYI I missed Art Bell since i am only 30 years old, but damn man even i can say that Noory is big tool and that has no respect for the opportunity he has been given. My gut feeling tells me he is still employed exactly because he is the way he is, endorsed by Big Brother to dumb people down. Art is out of the States for a good reason. John B. Wells for week days please! Rant out.
George Snore-y should be kept in the indirectly-lit corner of some solarium and watered three times a week. He has the intellectual capacity of a single-celled zygote and the common sense of a ball-peen hammer. One wonders what kind of dentist he'd made had he not flunked out of dental school. "Retired" after nine years in the Navy without ever having so much as sailed a rowboat or commanded anything more significant than an office coffee-maker? Uh, sure......he's a veritable Bull Halsey. The kindest thing this retard could've done for C2C lovers everywhere would've been to take that "final ride" with Jimmy Hoffa -- at least that would've been honorable. You're a complete waste of oxygen, George.
"There's no doubt about that"....u will hear this on every show,
Without question Noory is an imbecile. I've never understood the choice to use him as Bells replacement. I tried listening, I really did, but I went to Alex Jones rebroadcasts for my late night listening. May not agree with everything he says, but the man is solid entertainment.
You guys crack me up!
George reminds me of the cowardly lion in "The Wizard Of Oz" except it's not a heart that he's missing -- it's his testicles, lost to an evil clown during an episode with a Ouija board when he was a lad. If only the swooning women who call in regularly, offering to bear his children knew......
Hey, that sanctimonious maggot Punnett is gone -- mebbe the fates will smile on the C2C audience and take Boy George as well. And with him will go all his moronic regular guests like Ed Daymes, Sylvia Brown, Glynnis McCann (the numbers lady), and the rest of Noory's clueless turds.
I can't stand listening to George. How is he still on the air? ANYONE OTHER HOST IS BETTER!
George Noory...the Larry King of the new millennium. Just as ignorant, just as obnoxious, just as full of himself. The only thing missing are the suspenders (to hold up his over-bloated ego).
Check it out......
Very enlightening!
Noory's days on c2c are numbered.
If that clown assumed room temperature while on the air tonight I wouldn't be heartbroken in the least.
Back in the late 1940's “Tail-gunner” Joe McCarthy said, “I have a list.” and started the “Red” baiting hysteria that gripped the nation for years. Well, I have a list and I call them “George-isms”.
Firstly, I started listening to C2C in 2004 and liked it's content. But it soon rose to a mediocre level and the tear in the fabric of its premise became clear. Then the annoyances began, especially with the recent renewal of George Noory's contract.
In public speaking one is taught to eschew or avoid phrases that are called “thought pauses”, but Noory seems to have forgotten this and is constantly saying, “of course”, ad nauseum.
High on my list of pet peeves against Noory is his prudishness. Any reference to the human anatomy puts him in a lather, almost to the point of abnormality. Then there is his milquetoast, panty-waisted and wimpish philosophy: he seems afraid of things most of us would not bother to consider.
Some examples: Two people have died of some rare and exotic disease in some remote corner of the world and Noory seems to consider it an imminent disaster, heralding the end of humanity. Then there is the asteroid phenomenon. Some asteroid passes the earth at a fantastic distance and Noory says, “Well, we missed another close call, folks.” The last incidence he mentioned passed earth by more the 2 million miles. So what is his criteria for “close”?
Let us not forget bumper music. There are plethoras of excellent music to be used in the bumper music department. George Knapp and John Wells taps and tapped into this source, but not George Noory. He plays the same old, same old over and over and over again and again.
The same maybe said of his guests. You know who they are. I don't need to identify them as they are on C2C, almost on a weekly basis. I'm trying to understand why the range of guests is constricted. Baffling, so say the least.
Previous comments on this site regarding Noory's constant interruptions of his guests monologues, especially on points of specific interest have been stated so there is no need to go over plowed ground. The same maybe said of not returning to a previous topic of discussion.
The final annoyance that nettles me is Noory's lack of salient questions to his guests. Let me elaborate. He has guests A and B, who are “experts” on subject C.
A says this and B says that, but does Noory compare and contrast these differing thoughts and opinions to increase the knowledge of the listening audience as a whole? I have yet to hear him do so. He side-steps that criticism by saying that he is only there to extract the guest's paradigm. Really? I thought the program was to increase human knowledge and understanding of unusual events and occurrences.
An arching question I have is why a man at the age of 32 would join the service and then only stay for 9 years. Noory was born in 1950 and left the Navy just before the first Gulf War (ca 1991). You can do the math. Seems strange to me.
My tenure with C2C is drawing to a close. Glad was I when the stuttering Ian Punnet left the airwaves and John Wells filled his spot. The bulb of enlightenment shown brighter. But John was too much for the corporate media and out he went. Woe to all of us.
So what can be done to either remove Noory or get him to improve? Nothing, I suspect. Sic transit gloria mundi.
Hyram Poteen
I feel used when I listen to George Noory. He sounds like a used car salesman when he constantly reminds listeners that "for only pennies a day" or "the price of a cup of coffee" they too can become a "Coast Insider." Other radio hosts may ask you to register on their site, but usually you can read their content for free. Noory is a mercenary, not a legitimate on-air journalist. I'm sure the government loves him because he distracts people from the important issues of our time by harping on aliens, Bigfoot, Ouija boards, and other silly topics.
Don't forget his phobia with clowns and his incompetence when preparing a Hot Pocket. I wonder how loudly the lawyers laughed when they through Boy George out of their office when he tried to sue? I wish he'd turned his vocal chords into permanent crispy critters!
George Noory agrees with every guest on the show. Tonight he has an Ends Timer, and isn't questioning this belief at all. I thought he was more of a non - religious sort. He simply does not challenge the guest.
George Noory agrees with every guest on the show. Tonight he has an Ends Timer, and isn't questioning this belief at all. I thought he was more of a non - religious sort. He simply does not challenge the guest.
George Noory agrees with every guest on the show. Tonight he has an Ends Timer, and isn't questioning this belief at all. I thought he was more of a non - religious sort. He simply does not challenge the guest.
George Noory agrees with every guest on the show. Tonight he has an Ends Timer, and isn't questioning this belief at all. I thought he was more of a non - religious sort. He simply does not challenge the guest.
George Noory agrees with every guest on the show. Tonight he has an Ends Timer, and isn't questioning this belief at all. I thought he was more of a non - religious sort. He simply does not challenge the guest.
Cut the boy some slack -- his main bitch Evelyn Pagnini started her dirt nap over the weekend. She was Georgie's surrogate grandmother.
We may disagree re our preferences among the other frequent emcees C2C has had (I thought Ian Punnet might even have been better than Art Bell; too bad about the tinnitus), but we agree that the one they have on by far the most, Noory, is the worst, for all the reasons given upthread. And it seems not to have been my imagination that he's been getting worse over the years. The question is how he hangs on.
The explanation linked above from John Wells's site is interesting, but not satisfying, and suspect because self-serving. (Although I did very much appreciate his time on C2C: great voice & delivery, engaging integrated approach to subjects, credibility, timing.) Maybe he just wanted more money.
I speculated each prod'n team, including emcee, came as a package, and that Noory's might've been superior. I've experienced talk shows whose hosts were awful but whose producers were geniuses. However, now I see they're all just employees on their own, not like they couldn't fire Noory & keep his producers.
Could it be simply that there's nobody they can afford who has that much availability in the middle of the night? That Noory is cheap & reliable?
WOR has replaced most of C2C with reruns of Mets games! That is, a program that's already been paid for, therefore free. Like dead air.
I'm really not enjoying all the split shows and the way Noory handles them.
Sorry, but I feel he lacks the discipline to direct a show's flow, to handle two subjects a night.
He'll finally get to the big guest on the night's line up, (the draw as it were) and he'll waste nearly an hour catching up or smooching with the guest, either asking every quest "What motivates you? Cause you never stop." or "You've been busy my friend" (Get new lines George please.)
When the convo FINALLY gets to something interesting, he'll either derail it by asking a bone headed question about the nephilim or ramble on about something he thinks about the subject until they run out of time.
I tune in sometimes to hear the QUEST too George. Imagine that ! (roll eyes)
It's very frustrating
Whitley Strieber does this too, except Whitley is at least interesting. George just isn't.
i once called him and said i had caught a chupa copra on town lake in austin texas and that he was a little different so i was sayin he was the cousin to the chupa copra and that we were callin this one the chupa veiga he didnt getit i held back my laugh and he ask for pictures so faxed him some gay porn about a hour later he said that caller was nasty i couldnt stop laughing
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Hey - like your style Dixie butcher. Thank you for assuaging my concern that I was the only listener on Earth who compulsively tallies ridiculous things people say on the radio - though in this case, not on paper but either on my Tablet or in vocal-form (is that even weirder? It's more efficient, regardless) and I'm STILL running out of room, ha ha. One of your commenters used the appropriate nickname for this guy - Snoory - because I listen to Coast regularly to fall asleep! Luckily, Mitchio Kaku was on the other night and George DID interview him in an appropriate and mostly compelling way. It was funny to hear him stumble around the concept of Quantum time and 4th-dimensional physics though, but he did get one thing right - Einstein predicted that all things which will ever occur have already, if you take perceiving beings out of the equation, and that time becomes more like a fixed construct at that point - though he didn't know that this was Einsteinian thinking, and (erroneously) ascribed it to Quantum theory instead. Hey, everyone makes mistakes. But Kaku is so compelling on his own, there's no way Noory could help! Lol. Next guest was a COMPLETE disaster btw, claiming no Female angels to exist and some nonsense about "cosmic" clearance levels in the top-secret community. As usual Gouge just went right along with it, ha ha. Had me laughing my ass off. Righteous
I'm beginning to wonder if some of these guests don't just appear to fuck with him, ha ha. "Yep, that's true!" The definitive response.
I know the original post is 7 years old, but George Noory is STILL an idiot. As a matter of fact he's gotten worse, interrupting guests with inane comments or asking stupid questions of his own. He's always desperate to go to the phones and take the onus of interview off of him. He fancies himself a well-respected radio "legend" (cough choke wheeze) eager to enlighten us with his opinions and beliefs before getting to that pesky interview. I'll say it again, George Noory is an idiot, and imbicile, a simpleton with deluded delusions of grandeur. I listen now to laugh, amazed at the depths to which this once-incredible show has sank.
I know the original post is 7 years old, but George Noory is STILL an idiot. As a matter of fact he's gotten worse, interrupting guests with inane comments or asking stupid questions of his own. He's always desperate to go to the phones and take the onus of interview off of him. He fancies himself a well-respected "legend" (cough choke wheeze) eager to enlighten us with his opinions before getting to the pesky interview. I'll say it again, George Noory is an idiot, and imbicile, a simpleton with deluded delusions of grandeur. I listen now to laugh, amazed at the depths to which this once-incredible show has sank.
Admiral Noory, who allegedly spent nine years in the Navy, didn't even know what a goddamm "sea story" referred to when his mutually-fellating butt-buddy Jesse Ventura mentioned the term the other night when the tinfoil-clad ex-governor appeared on the show to gloat after winning his defamation lawsuit against the estate of bonafide military hero Chris Kyle. Noory is as phony as his supposed naval credentials!
It's now 2014... and Noory is still a sucking MORON!
He absolutely NEVER EVER listens.
At least your blog gives him an excuse which I love for its truth: he was busy reading the forums and fast blasts for good questions from intelligent people that he could ask the guests.
If only he understood those questions...
GN: "Could it have been a DEMON!?"
Guest: "No, probably just a yowling tomcat up on the roof."
GN: "Could it have been a little demon?"
Guest: "No... er... definitely a cat."
GN: "Did it have unearthly powers?"
Guest: "No. It was just a cat, George"
GN: "Could have been a demonic cat."
Guest: "Actually, he's called Tibbles and lives with the lady three doors up."
GN: "Chilling. Thanks for calling. Pure evil. Proof of a demomic entity there!"
PS. Thank fuNk for David Schrader.
The best one , so far, IMO, is Noory having an expert in narcissism on his show!!!!! LOL!!!!
And even better than the above is Noory attempting to pronounce narcissism!
Almost as bad as him mangling the word "malevolent".
What a peter pumper!
The guy is so oblivious to his lack of command of the English language that he actually tried to pronounce Machiavellian last night!
When George has William R. Forstchen on he certainly has to be very very careful pronouncing his guests last name!!!!!!
"The guy is so oblivious to his lack of command of the English language that he actually tried to pronounce Machiavellian last night!"
It's all on account of his missing mustache.
What an assclown!
George! Paint a moustache on your ass and walk on your hands!!!!!!
Last night he had someone on who just started a sentence or a clause with the name of a comet, and Noory interrupted with "Wow!" before the guy even made a statement about the comet. It shows Noory's barely paying att'n, but feels he has to sound either impressed or impressive.
He also has the most annoying loud & long "Auugh!" exclamation in response to descriptions of things the least bit disgusting, frequently also drowning out the tail end of a guest's or caller's statement. Most of the time I doubt he actually finds the thing in question that disgusting, but thinks he has to express concern some way.
His "wow" reminds me of at least one "interviewer" I've heard shilling on a radio infomercial. The sponsor starts rattling off a list of things, the shill throws in a "wow" at some point to show he's still awake & earning his keep. It's a practiced style, but it's transparently phony. I can accept it when it's paid programming for someone's vitamin business, but it's awful when it's supposed to be a serious program.
There is only one Art Bell! Its too bad that the program he started has been taken down to the incredibly low level it now occupies, thanks George! Mission accomplished!
Sure, there is only 1 Art Bell...but there are many good m.c.s who are not Art Bell. Noory doesn't happen to be one of them.
I still suspect the problem is economic. The gig just doesn't pay well enough to draw good talent. There are people who do overnight radio for free who are pretty good, albeit the great majority of them ar DJs rather than talkers, but they're paid in the form of satisfaction at doing what they love and having creative control. Apparently to get someone to do overnight in a fixed talk format, with commitment, requires money that isn't there. I suspect the other C2C hosts get/got paid more than Noory, and that Noory is therefore something of a cash cow.
George is constantly predicting the "end time" being near, I would settle for the end of his C2C reign of glossolalia!
Oh, he was brilliantly insightful mins. ago. I'm paraphrasing only slightly from memory here: "Morgan Freeman was in a movie concerning cold fusion years ago, so why is it taking so long to bring cold fusion to market?" I mean, it might make sense if that was a documentary, but I imagine Noory was talking about a work of fiction -- and even if it was a documentary, the C2C audience would assume he meant a fiction movie.
Has Noory said the same about other topics C2C sometimes covers? There was a TV show a while back about a family that took in a sasquatch, so why has it been taking so long to capture one?
Ack! Same guest, minutes later. Noory asks whether a cold fusion generator could be small enough to put in a car to power it, the guest says "yes". Noory then says, "Tell me more than `yes'."
Noory must've been hoping to snooze a little, and didn't have any follow-up Q prepared. Hilarious! And the funny thing was that after Noory asked the Q, I said to myself, "Noory actually asked a relevant question!" Like, good for him. But it didn't last.
Sun spots occur on the sun! Thank you for another tidbit of your amazing insight George!!!!
I gave Noory a chance for about 6 months after Art left....the only thing that helped was hearing Knapp and Punnit on weekends....i finally gave up////why waste sleep listening to Snoory's inept interviews....waiting for July 2015 when Art returns streaming...
Not too careful about the order of words, eh, Noory? Tonight I LOL when WOR reran a rcent hour in which Noory asked, "What do you say to a young boy who wants to become a scientist, or a woman?"
If Noory continues to pile on the religious dogma on the show, he should be able to go tax exempt before too long!
You people obviously are not listening to the same Coast to Coast AM that I am listening to. George Noory is an excellent interviewer. He has the patience of a saint when idiots like you call in. He never patronizes or ridicules any of his callers. He is a highly intelligent man and I think he does a wonderful job. What you people need to do is to grow up (what are you--12?) and then get a life! If Noory annoys you so much, then just stop listening!
Our buddy Starwriter a couple posts north is yet another shining example of the dumbing-down of America. He put the words "excellent interviewer" and "George Noory" together in the same sentence, I rest my case. Here we are 8 years from the original post and George Noory is STILL a moron. As a matter of fact he's gotten worse, interrupting his guests with inane comments and asking stupid questions without bothering to pay attention to anything the guest is saying. George always sounds desperate to go to the phones and take the onus of interview off himself. He fancies himself a well-respected radio "legend" (cough choke wheeze) always eager to enlighten us with his views and opinions. I'll say it again, George Noory is a moron, an imbecile, a simpleton immersed in delusions of grandeur. I listen now to roll my eyes and laugh, still amazed at the depths to which this once-incredible show has sank.
No, I think he hit bottom in 2014. From the limited evidence of 2015, I think Noory's stopped getting worse and is improving a little -- actually paying att'n & fixing the pronunciation of some words. He even made a point one time last month of how he was paying att'n.
Darn, just when I think he's improving...Noory has a guest on discussing Bitcoin and its inventor, who the guest acknowledges may be an individual male or female or a number of people referred to collectively by one pseudonym. Noory asks, "What if he doesn't exist?" WTF was Noory thinking?
On tonight's show he asked the guest a question about about Tarot cards, she explained herself for about a minute, then she asked for a little clarification with something like, "do you mean this or that?" George was clearly back to reading fast blasts because his response was, "Where do we find your book?" or something like that. She hesitated like "WTF?" and sounded very confused as she answered that question after being summarily ignored.
A few minutes later, after having been interviewing her for almost 2 hours, he mispronounced her name; then tried to cover it by saying, "It really looks like Jeannie, do some people pronounce it that way?" She was very gracious and said that her name was Jeanne ("Jean") but some people do say Jeannie - yeah, idiots who don't know their guests names.
We'll see what's coming next. 2+ hours to go
I don't know what's worse: that, or when he interrupts a guest mid-sentence to ask a short question that's obviously going to be answered by what the guest is about to say. He just did that last night to a guest who was talking about MDMA, causing the guest to have to break off briefly to say, "I'll tell you right now." I guess Noory does this to prove he's paying att'n.
Ive been a long time subscriber to C2C for about 5 years but lately im thinking no. Since C2Coast redid there web site Ive not been able to log on to listen to shows. Ive sent them 5 different emails for help and they just don't reply so Im canceling my subscription with them. Also George is quite the drama queen and often does not prepare for his shows and asks the same questions of the same quest several times which tells me he's not even listening to
them. Plus the quality of his shows has really dropped off.
I live in Roswell and were not even going to ask him to come down to our UFO Festival.
"I live in Roswell and were not even going to ask him to come down to our UFO Festival."
What difference does it make? Boy George would just blow you off by saying he was too busy sniffing Ian Punnett's crotch or swapping underwear with Jesse Ventura. He's such a moronic asshole he doesn't even know that when you heat some pizza rolls in a microwave, the fuckers are *HOT*. We can only pray that the next time he has a culinary accident, it's a ham-and-cheese Hot Pocket and it permanently cauterizes his vocal cords.
Aw c'm'on, Anon, he's not THAT bad. Anybody could've made his microwaving mistake. You feel the outside of the item, seems OK, and not only don't you know how hot it is inside, but you don't anticipate the way the contents will squirt into your throat.
He's not a moron, he's just well below the standards of emceeing we're used to. I've heard worse, but it was on student stations and in one case a vanity program on a station where they would lease hours, so none of them were getting paid. And it may be that Noory built up a reput'n many years ago as a hard worker & is now resting on his laurels, very much the way Don Imus has for decades. After all, he got Art Bell's att'n & blessing somehow. And Noory is obviously not responsible for the show's success, as it carries him along rather than vice versa. We're used to thinking of the m.c. as the star, but he certainly doesn't have to be, especially late at night, as Larry King proved decades ago.
I HATE George noory Christmas. no wonder people are depressed and suicidal. what the hell is wrong with this juvenile minded miscreant? doesn't he know he's broadcasting to adults? he's not morbous or anyone else. he didn't replace art bell at all and anyone who comes close to being the new art bell is kicked off the show. he also interrupts the guests with his insane stupid comments, is irrelevant, promotes sales scams, leaps to conclusions and preaches his own beliefs as facts. Art Bell, who saved me during the early 1990's confusion on all this paranormal booming that was going on with the advent of cell phones relaying in of instantly around the country, was opinionated and even sardonic at times, but he wasn't a urinating baboon like snory noory. half the show being stupid business shows? im sorry I want sea monsters and bog creatures on my coast to coast. not noory preaching foolishness. nothing kills fanhood more than being a Styrofoam santa. GROOOOOOOSSSSSSSS im seriously pissed about it, but if this is the fly in the soup so we can have the damn show go on, then ok. if not, make it better please.
Noory has run the show into the ground, C2C is nothing like it once was and I mean that in the worst way. Long time fan and subscriber, not any longer! I'll be back when they fire Noory and hire John Wells
Would you at least listen when George Knapp or one of the others is emceeing? Or is it not worth staying up late enough to be sure it won't be Noory?
Noory is an asshat who beleives he is a significant thinker. It sickens me to see that he is now getting TV appearances, where he mostly just parrots what the guy before him just said. I gave up on Coast to Coast not long after he came aboard.
To call this guy an idiot would be a compliment. He's worse, just the biggest phony who doesn't believe 99% of what his guests spout on the show, but pretends to be fascinated with his "Wow's!" and "Oh My's." When he's not interrupting an even slightly interesting guest with the most stupid and irrelevant questions, he's dibbling about some other crack pot who's writing or comments are also irrelevant. My favorite George Noory stupid-ism was when he asked a guest: "Will the children save the planet?"
You are incredibly illiterate.
I believe that whatever you want to accomplish in life is easy if you go about it right and there is always a simple solution.
Lynne McTaggart has proven that the science of Intention works, by her many online experiments which have been done by using scientific controls.
Therefore it is possible for the many supporters of John B. Wells and Art Bell to get rid of Snoory by simply using intention, in a concerted and coherent way. Coherent action at the same time provides the power of a laser. If as few as 8,000 people could be rallied to INTEND for "No Snoory" while he is on the air, he would be gone.
I recall Noory having a guest on who had a seed bank. The guest was talking about storing organic seeds to grow your own food in case of an apocalypse or disaster or something like that. George asked the guest "So when I get these seeds, what do I do with them"? The guest responded "Are you kidding? Is this a joke? You put them in the ground and plant them!" I'll never forget that.
Noory will have great guests and cover great topics and totally butcher the interviews with his stepping all over the guests... constantly interrupting them in the middle of a thought or sentence only to interject some inane non-sequitor that takes away from the interview completely. He also has an annoying habit of asking "leading" questions. For example he will say "I think Bla, bla, bla. Don't you?" Instead of asking "DO You".? He's also annoying when a caller asks a guest a question and Noory jumps in to answer it. Sometimes a guest will get fed up with that and defer the question to Noory by saying "Do you have an answer for that George"? He'll then stammer quickly and shut up. Only after listening to the show for a while did it slowly dawn on me how big of a tool he is. And he is so rigid in his format. He may have a guest on who could riff for 3 hours straight, but George will always say "Let's take some calls." As if he gets paid for every call he takes on the air. And he will step on a guest in the middle of a sentence to say " Let's go West of the Rockies" and get that caller on. Finally, much too often when there is like 30 seconds left in the show he'll always say "lets squeeze in a couple more quick calls"...Not giving time for the question or a quality answer. Then he'll say "Oh, we're out of time" as the music starts up. I like that Linda Moulton Howe tapes her segments so the blathering Noory doesn't interrupt her interviews. He probably turns purple when he can't interject his inane ramblings into her segments. It's amazing to me how someone so dumb can be so successful.
What's hilarious are all those giddy broads who call in to proclaim their love for Noory and wish he were heterosexual so he could father all their children.
Here's the scenario that kills me every time:
N asks an interesting guest a question, the guest comes back with an incredible 10 minute long amazingly interesting answer, and N's response is...."Good Point"
God what a shmuck!
That's not so bad. What's bad is when he steers discussion away from interesting answers.
I find him interesting when he introduces a different subject than the paranormal,
flying saucers bigfoots and legends of other worn out subjects. I find he interrupts the guest to relate his personal experiences, some of which I've heard a hundred times, and it seems to change the subject at interesting points of interview.
As many complaints as I have about G. Noory, Dixie Girl's initial missive is fraught with virtually nothing, and the following comments are littered with name calling and filthy language. This scenario actually gives Noory more credibility - not less. ...'consider the source'.
The Brilliance of George Noory:
"...and as i was telling my producer Tom: Here i am driving down the freeway to get to the studio. And as i'm driving i notice a car on the lane to my left full of restless teenagers. And as i approach the car, i look to my left and--lo and behold, one of the teenagers had pulled his trousers and underwear down, and his buttocks were pressed firmly against the rear-side window (i could see his poo-poo hole for crying out loud)."
"What is wrong with people? Why do people do that?
One, there is something mentally wrong with them.
Two, they don't like my driving.
Or, three, they listen to Coast to Coast and they think i'm an idiot..."
Boy George sure stepped on his dick when all his guest soothsayers and remote viewers predicted a Clinton landslide. I'm guessing it'll be awhile before he has those clueless charlatans back on the show. Noory really ought to stick to what he knows......which is precisely NOTHING.
I believe Mr. Noory is a fraud. He doesn't respond to emails or texts. I even tried calling into the show and was hung up on by the call screener. I think he has no credibility and in my opinion, the whole show has lost credibility. For what it's worth, George Noory doesn't care. He's anti something...
His shows are much more about the capital dollar for the network company (read company man) now...more and more snake oil and money investment and dating club signup investments for ol' george.
Funny, I'm listening to the show as I'm reading your comment about coincidence and the guest Dr. Goldberg (filling in for Mel Gibson who bailed last minute) mentioned coincidences.
No coincidence George? Yeah right.
He's a dolt. How does he keep his job? I think this show is part of the plan to dumb down 'Murica.
2017- Noory has ruined coast is toast.
His infomercial format and paranormal
Dating ideas are laughable at worst.
Danbowser is also a dunce.
I was once an enthusiastic listener until the snooze master right wing nut job hitler mustached george noory "the anchor" ruined this once great radio program. He should be fired today TODAY for his Blithering non sequitor commentary and BORING stupid guests. I mean really Ed the pathological liar Dames and his asinine b.s. straight from the stable floor. And really for all the idiotic pontificating on this show has anything ever talked about on this show ever come true. Alex jones inciting a riot is way too much, this show should go back to it roots or be cancelled And what about the half hour of commercials for ever 10 minutes of stupid george hitler mustached noory idiot commentary from his boring predictable guests. Richard hoagland should be in a sanatarium with constant supervision for his ever loseining grip on reality..nuff said
Why focus on him and not the mentally ill audience who have little ability to rationally perceive this world. **Queue them now to rant back and defend beliefs between ET and supernatural healings (all debunked by skeptics society, James Randi...)
It requires schizotypal mind to entertain this stuff, the mind does amazing work, no amount of mathematics of improbability nor the more rational explanation gets people to stop the solutions. I know by experience, I work with M.E. patients. I was one once too, and there was no way I could see truth.
After a full recovery, I can see that human race is doomed because the fanciful beliefs propagate via pathogen rich people. Even leaders have this issue of perception and will destroy us.
George Noory and producer Tom Danheiser, are the two biggest foulest turds in the punch bowl of America's media. Later night radio's demise can be attributed to
the weak, mentally challenged host Noory whose speech impediment, sophomoric questions, uninterested vocal inflections, make the listener think? Why am I listening to this ignorant jerk? Tom Danheiser, has the most annoying voice overs in radio, boring and sounds like a pansy.
I no longer listen as there are better pod casters out there but beware there are pod casters that are just as dumb, such as eating in the background, uneven sound levels, worthless commercials.
The late night radio genre is officially dead.
Thank you for that mindless rant.
Rest in peace Jyl Freed. You were truly one of a kind.
I think they brought back Ian Punnet to show that Noory is not the biggest knucklehead on the planet. I thought Ian Punnet had tinnitus and could never be on the radio again? Unfortunately, heeeeee'ssss BACK! So, just one more reason not to listen on weekend nights. I think I know the real reason Punnet was banished is that he was abusive to listeners and callers. Too bad for the C@C audience.
With Bellgab now closed, it's up to you to keep the flame of George Noory's Suckage alive online.
Without a doubt according to Wired Magazine:
"The biggest turn in the punch bowl of American media is
the nobbly, rat faced George Noory."
Dear Dixie Butcher Sadly fence posts have an ersatz higher I.Q. than Snorge. A toothpick is higher on the evolutionary scale. I avoid his inane blather at all costs, listening to other interviews with the same guests as Noory The Numbskull drives me completely bonkers! He can't read the first sentence of the news (his editorial input is beyond exasperating) without butchering the sentence. HOW has he succeeded thus far?? THAT is supernatural phenomena. He has ruined what was an entertaining venue when Art & Co. were on board. If only Greys would abduct him, permanently.
He should have remained working in a supermarket. By now he could be head cashier or asst. produce manager. Or, could have stayed in women's shoe sales...he could by now have set up a small shoeshine stand outside the store & making a small fortune.
VERY SAD, that so much of your energy and time is being spent on such a negative en devour. I lsiten to the shoW 1 OR twice a week,and i find GEORGE POLITE EASY TO LISTEN TO AND ASKS SOME QUESTIONS ON INTERVIEWS THAT INEVITABLY I WISH I WOULD OF THOUGHT THAT QUESTION. HE ALSO DOES a great service to the public with DR WALLACHE, HE HAS CHANGED MY HEALTH GREAtly in a major positive way in the HEALTH AND WELL BEING CATEGORY. AND FOR THAT ALONE THIS MAN IS Doing GREAT things for his fellow man (yeah man, not politically correct) that deserve major CREDIT! NG Beyond myself,i have heard some many PEOPLE I HAVE HEARD PERSONALLY AS TO THE IMPROVED HEALTH! That is straight forward good kind compassionate. Whoever said George sounds like daffy and cant talk, has either a mental disorder called "APHASIA" and I mean that sincerely! Please for George's sake and more importantly, you hearing needs to correct if possible, there are new a promising treatments for this if you do have it. I am praying for all of you that you are not so bitter and spending you valuable time to talk negatively about anyone let alone A truly wonderful man, George!! Aphasia makes things sound fuzzy or weird, it is kinda like what a dog hears, it can understand some words like sit, but most of the words sound like CHARLIE BROWN. I can understand the anger when your body goes against you and but email me I am an R.N. hang in I MAY BE ABLE TO HELP SOON George will sound GREAT AGAIN Lord please help these angry people be at peace thanks you Lord, Amenmake my comprehension and hearing GREAT AGAIN! HEAY
i know you will attack my spelling but dont have the time nor the desire to edit my comments
The problem with George Noory is not so much that he cannot talk. His problem is lack of insight, lack of inquisitiveness and genuine interest. My God, the man repeats the same questions and comments show after show. He cannot engage in meaningful insightful dialogue with guests because his questions are pre-determined. The search for truth on Coast has been severely stymied with the arrival of George Noory.
The standard interview questions are: "How did you get interested in [topic/subject matter]?" "Where can we get your book?" (Answer is 99.99% - "Amazon.") Most frequent mindless response is "Well, there's no doubt about that." (even though there definitely IS doubt about that.) "What's your website?" (always linked up on the C2C website anyway). I agree with some others that if you want to listen to a specific guest, Google the guest's on "Youtube" where you will always find another interviewer who is more competent and makes fewer silly Noory-ism oft-repeated stories we've all heard 1,000 times before.
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I don't know how to put it. I could just simply say yes George Noory is a f****** fool. I'll tell you this I can't even listen to Coast to Coast when George Noory is interviewing someone. I don't understand why the producers of the show find another host. He literally reminds me of Harry Caray not the real Harry Caray,but the Saturday Night Live Harry Caray played by Will Ferrell. Please stop you're ruining the show
Wow, why would so many people on this blog be so mean?
Everybody take a deep breath.
How many of you are on pharmaceutical drugs or street drugs?
Get off that s*** and smoke a spliff or have a nice glass of wine.
How many of you have love in your life? do you spend more time watching p*** than you do making love or do you not make love at all?
I understand life is really hard and sometimes we lose our cool, or we just totally have no cool and lost are cool because we're being mean all the time and talking down to people when nobody on this planet is perfect.
George Noory is like Grandpa and sometimes he is forgetful and sometimes he's absent minded and sometimes too his questions are very simple and very good and lead to good answers. You don't treat your Grandpa like this do you? Anyway a good guest will always be worth his salt. And fortunately there's now an Art Bell vault because he's definitely to be remembered and George noory is not trying to take his place.
Go cook yourself a nice meal and have a good night sleep and take care out there
But I will admit the Noory Powdered
Beets make me laugh
I wonder if that's just what it takes to keep the program on the air or if there's actually people getting rich on it. Oh, sweet capitalism...
I couldn't agree more biggest moron on the radio
Why don't the skeptic's have a radio show? I'd love to spend some late night listening time with intelligent people like Dr. Shermer and Randi doing what they do best: debunking the paranormal, psychics and all of the other quacks involved in the occult. It's time to tear down the wall once and for all by exposing all of the pseudoscientific bullshit that keeps flowing ashore. I'd love to hear a debate with atheist physicist Dr. Sean Carroll beating down the quack pot Dr. Jeffery Long, the NDE proponent.
Dr Michael Shermer had an online debate a few yrs ago with parapsychologist Dean Radin. Radin ate him up! The evidence is clear that psychic phenomena is real. It may not meet the strictest of standards BUT that does not mean it is not real or invalid. It is ultimately up to each of us to determine the validity of anything, and NOT skeptics(debunkers) like Shermer or Randi to determine it for us.
Noorehead(s): A Noorehead(s) is an individual (or group of individuals) within the communications / entertainment industry who share two overlapping characteristics: 1. A tendency to easily loose concentration and be easily distracted while conducting an interview. 2. A tendency to cover up such distractions with generic catch-all statements which are often referred to as "Nooryisms".
Typical Nooryisms (or throwaway phrases) include, "Why is that?", "It sure does", "They sure would", "What do they want?", "Why can't they just leave us alone?", "There's no doubt / question about that", "That is bizarre / incredible / remarkable / unbelievable", "They just don't seem to stop, do they?", "Something is going on, that's for sure."
Because a Noorehead, by definition, lacks inquisitiveness, genuine interest and imagination, such throwaway phrases usually coincide with throwaway questions which are often unanswerable (or have been tediously covered in previous interviews) such as: "Could they have had ET help?" "But who created the creator?" "What do you think about the Book of Revelation?" "Who do you think constructed the pyramids?" "Why does evil exist" "Why can't they catch bigfoot?" "What about fallen angels?"
A Noorehead--being well aware of his incapacity to pay attention, will often masquerade this by pretending to be engaging in meaningful dialogue, with the result being a hodgepodge of back and forth dialogue where the guest is incessantly being interrupted by replies that have no relevance to the question or comment that preceded it.
In summary, because of a Noorehead's tendency to easily loose concentration, pertinent follow-up questions will too often go unasked. This tendency--coupled with a Noorehead's lack of genuine interest, lack of inquisitiveness and imagination, results in the obstruction of the discovery of truth, with the path of least resistance being for the same questions to be asked over and over again.
He is also known to beg like a child. He constantly has had real well spoken guests explain physics and natural world. He screams and pouts. " I just cant get it " tell me again. A parrot could repeat the basic concept by now. Hes dumber than any parrot or small dog I've encountered. That's some scary shit. Would worry less about a meth addiction than him as a neighbor. Uuugh.
I have long ago given up listening when George Noory is hosting the program. His comments are ridiculous and his endless and repetitive stories are wearing. He has his favorite call-in people who do not have insightful or probing questions but instead seem to just want to hold the line as long as possible and praise him for his "outstanding" information and programs. The comments and questions do not advance the program or add to the the guests' information. Speaking of guests, why the "snake oil" salesmen on so much with their advice to take this supplement and that supplement (which they sell) to cure everything? Why the FTC lets them get away with that is perplexing. George Knapp, Richard Syrett, and Jimmy Church are far better hosts and I do listen when they are on. But otherwise, there is much better available programming in podcasts that I have found to listen to.
Various Hosts Reply To a Caller
Caller: So I pulled the car over and got out to see the strange lights, and they seemed to be coming closer
Art Bell: Sir, were you near a military base?
Whit. Strieber: You know, this reminds me of something that happened to Anne and I...
Ian Punnitt: Oh that is so cool! Weird flashing lights up in the sky; how cool is that?
George Noory: What was the weather? Was it warm? Was it cold? What?
John Wells: Weird flashing lights? Nooooouu, I don't think so. Tri-sexual aliens in fishnet panties? Neooooouu...
On March 19, 2020, George Noory was trying to interview Marc D'Antonio on "Anomalous Encounters." After listening to Noory interrupt the interviewee so many times with idiotic questions and comments that disrupted the speaker's narrative about his OBE experience, I turned it off and stopped listening. I do not know why Noory does this but it is the worst interview technique of all the podcasts I listen to. He tries to rephrase the interviewee's narration and in this case he missed the content entirely 2/3 of the time and it was obvious. I praise the interviewee for his tolerance. Most just ignore the Noory dumbness and do not even react. I think it is long past time for Georgie to hang it up and go to the Old Radio Announcer's Home.
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George is simply not intellectually up to the task.
His goto exclamation/response is most often "Wow!" and he really brings no great insights into any of his interviews.
The gimmick of embedding paid advertising as program content is not only a real disappointment, but is also unethical.
Art Bell forever!
Connie Willis is just as bad as Un-Curious George.
Richard Syrett is by far the best they have.
Noory is a dick. Tonight he had a guest who was explaining how he had an angelic experience and the angel supposedly said to guest "Cut the crap." And the guest said he said in response: "What the hell was that?" So stupid George said: "You can't say that!" And he upbraided the guest. What? George thinks that word "hell" is one of the seven words you can't say on the radio? He's a wussie fool. What does he do when a priest comes on to talk about Heaven and Hell? I rarely listen to his pathetic hosted show anymore but will listen when George Knapp and Richard Syrett and Jimmy Church host.
I miss Art and I really cannot stand George Noory.
This morning he said something along the lines of, " this virus is fake. We need to open the country up. If we go from 150k deaths to 8 million in a couple of months then maybe we should reevaluate."
Art Bell is rolling in his grave.
The only bigger morons than host of C to C are the callers. The show has truly become the ultimate freak show / propaganda festival.. I used to listen more because occasionally a sensible caller would sneak through to call them on their lies and BS. That does not now happen anymore in my experience. Even more laughable is when Noory tries to claim that they are apolitical. Give me a friggin' break ! If he and the callers believe a fraction of the dangerous kerapp they spew , let us all hope they wear no masks and do plenty of close quarter mingling with their obese, oxycontin lovin' brethren.
GEORGE NOORY ALWAYS INTERRUPTS HIS GUESTS, DEPRIVING CALLERS FROM GETTING ON, even though at the beginning of the second hour, he says the guest will take callers. He also interrupts guests JUST AS THEY'RE ABOUT to begin explaining something that listeners know will be very interesting. He does this all the time. He also singles out a very trivial item that the guest mentions and spends several minutes on that, killing valuable air time.
An example is when a woman was gearing up to explain a paranormal occurrence. She said she went to a rock concert and mentioned the musician was "Jim," but didn't know his last name. She then continued on with the story. Noory the Numbskull cut her off and asked, "Jimi Hendrix?"
There was a total gear shift as they began yammering who it could've been. Noory then asks, "Jim Morrison?"
After a few minutes (which is LONG for air time), the guest was finally back on track, but then 30 seconds later, Noory interrupts asking if it was Jim (something or other; I don't remmeber).
What the FK is WRONG with this guy? FIRE HIM. He pulls this crap all the time. He gets distracted and side tracked by irrelevant, trivial things. Who the blood hell CARES what concert it was? Who the musician was had NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING to do with the guest's paranormal experience in the parking lot.
It's mid-April 2021 and Noory has a 15Min lead-in guest at the start of the show as he typically does these days. The guest goes over some of the latest Covid numbers, vaccine types in the US distribution. Part of the analysis is regional availability and social distributions, which includes possible break-thru percentages and groups that might be at risk due to not getting the vaccine. Some of these groups include elderly who maybe a scared and people (we probably know which side they lean) that resist the idea getting the vaccine, which can increase time required to end the danger of Covid spread.
At the end of all the numbers and analytics, Noory ends the segment, cuts off the call, and says "that was just the guest's opinions". I don't remember hearing Noory add that comment after a guest has been espousing right-leaning assumptions about any number of topics.
Next caller please!
^ I wonder which group you're referring to when you suggest that there are CERTAIN people, and we probably know which ones, who are resistant to the idea of getting the vaccine. I think I know which group you MEANT, but this characterization could equally apply to a group you DEFINITELY didn't mean:
Borey Noory is bottom of the barrel in everyway. ANY of his guest hosts are so much better!
Noory just keeps repeating everything--even his dated bumper music and comments always about him and his life. So self absorbed-egotistical, dated. And his boring club of the same old nut buddies in his little club. The show is so bad-I won't waste more time on this. bye
noorie is a self centered, disgusting mound of crap. As far as that fool is concerned, it's ALL about noorie. he/it must interject his own personal stories as if anyone cares. DESPISE the creep and am so happy when Knapp or Syrett is hosting. They ask great questions, actually LISTEN, and allow the guest to speak. he/it noorie needs to take a forever vacay from C2C.
CIAO forever, noorie.
There is only 1 person who is worse than noorie and that is howard bloom: a jackarse who is an EXTREME loser, also full of himself, just like noorie is. Two peas, for sure. Both fooctards.
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Never listen when connie willis hosts: EVER. Will reiterate that noorie is an asswipe. I'd like to get my whoopeee "coast insider" money's worth, so PLEASE fire the dick noorie: note to producers at C2C.
I wish I could reach the woman who started this blog and thank her!! I can vent about my extreme dislike of noooorie. THANK YOU!!
I very happily remember Art Bell. You can find the Art Bell Archives with a good search engine. When you contrast Art Bell's ability to interview guests, make cogent comments with guests, and his skill with callers on open line with the sad efforts of George Noory, you realize that this once quality programing has been vastly diminished. Noory has 3 -5 callers prearranged for phone calls and they all start their pathetic discourse the same way: "George - Outstanding program and you are the BEST questioner EVER." Noory cannot formulate a cogent question and cannot manage open lines. Plus the C2C "snake-oil" salesmen guests should be investigated by the FDA. And that Numbers Lady! Oh, brother!
So true I love to teach him English and stop his mispronunciation of any foreign words
He is simply the Worst! Any of his guest hosts would be better!
noooorie is a piece of dried up sheeeeeeeeettttttt
noooorie is soooo taken wit hiz fooookted sef
F U C K noooooorie
fuck snoory!
George Noory never fails to “distinguish” himself with vacuous comments and questions. In the second half of the C2C show the night of August 1st to 2nd, 2024, the show presented a “medical and emotional intuitive” (so to speak). Near the end of the 4th hour, 75-year-old “Mary,” from California, called to “open lines.” She explained that she was taking care of a person suffering from dementia and that she was in very poor health herself. To make matters worse, she reported that her cat, Mickey, had just died, which greatly saddened her. Even worse, she had just been advised after a medical exam that there was a “mass” on her right breast which is suspected to be cancerous. That alarmed Mary who had suffered from breast cancer previously and had a left-breast mastectomy. Mary was asking the “intuitive” to tell her something about her health prospects. The intuitive responded with the typical amorphous “happy talk” “hang in there” “your cat is wishing you well” and says “take care of yourself.” Mary was weeping and devastated by her desperate circumstances. So what does Noory say? He asks “Are you all right, Mary?” She responds: “WHAT??” like she could not believe that someone would ask that, given her reported circumstances. Noory repeated the question: “Are you alright?” [OMG!! DUH!!] Now, many consider it polite to ask a person who has just reported some trouble whether they are able to cope and the old “pop” psychology version is “So, are you alright?” But, seriously, Noory, pause and think. If you cannot offer Mary anything more, just empathize with her and stop.
Having listened to Art Bell and discovered his ability to interview and skillfully handle the "Open Line" calls, in my opinion Premier Networks should, in all fairness to Art Bell's legacy, take away from George Noory the "Coast-to-Coast" trademark and any and all association with George Noory. Art Bell knew how to conduct the show and skillfully and intelligently interact with the guests and callers and produced really intelligent dialogue for the show. George Noory's “interviews” consist of vacuous comments, absent conscious thought, such as "Absolutely!" "There's no doubt about that." and "Interesting take!" along with ridiculous, tangential, non-sequiturs with no relationship to what the guest just said. George Noory often seems to “slur” his way through interviews as though he is imbibing some “adult” beverages throughout the show. He often sounds exhausted and distracted on the show. He needs to retire and start getting some sleep.
Yet, while Noory is indisputably bad, he has strong competition from the vapid chatterbox C2C host Connie Willis. If she competed for this spot, I don’t want to even think about who lost out. She brings no real talent to the show and spends an inordinate amount of time talking about and promoting herself. I positively cannot stand to listen to her for even 10 seconds. She merely giggles, chortles, snickers, and snorts her way through the presentation of guests - WHEN she gets to them- after exhausting and seemingly-never-ending chatter about herself and any other absurd topic that occurs to her. If Premier had any competition for the overnight C2C show, it would be gone- or last on any chart. Thank goodness George Knapp and Richard Syrett still show up and bring quality to the show. And whatever happened to the really interesting hosts – John B. Wells? Jimmy Church? Dave Schrader? Moreover, Art Bell would never have been caught hawking the products of the “snake oil” and Venus Fly Trap derivative peddlers such as “Carnivora” “Noory Beets” PLEASE! Spare us!!
I haven't listened in a few years now, but I'm sure that at this late date Mr. Noory wouldn't've gotten any better. Trouble with your idea of taking the C2C TM away from him is, unfortunately, he's long since made it his own, at least in spirit. Noory has hosted by far the most installments of C2C AM. And I wouldn't be so sure Mr. Bell wouldn't've shilled for Carnivora and so on.
Consider what must be the trend in advertising values for an overnight network radio show now. There was a time those ad dollars were worth enough to pay for a serious effort, but now even long haul truckers have other options. I'm sure the example given here of the phoner-in is typical of the show's aging -- oh, heck, aged and still aging -- listenership, hanging on to ancient hippies.
I've long thought Noory had decent talent. Trouble is, he's nowhere near as good as he thinks he is, as he keeps revealing by blabbing when he should just shut the fuck up. And it's long been evident he doesn't give a shit about trying to do a better job, and he keeps being fed subject matter he's obviously not particularly interested in but just pretends (weakly) to be.
Andy Breckman on the experimental WFMU comedy program he co-hosts with station manager Ken Freedman plays a character who's callous the way Noory comes off, not paying attention to phoners-in or really anyone else. Trouble is, Mr. Breckman, an accomplished comedy writer, is actually working pretty hard to play such a role for laughs, and is not like that IRL or when he senses a need to be serious. Noory is truly lazy and uncaring, resulting in gaffes like "Are you all right?" when he either hasn't been paying attention or has nothing positive to contribute but feels he has to say something, and has the impression that if it's coming from his own mouth it must be pretty good because he's a pro.
you must be noorie himseeef...........................
REALLY? no way to explain snoorie otherwise.......maybe you don't know snoorie.....................................looks like some health issues have entered his realm, though
yep, a complete jackbyte......WAIT, before my comment is removed, you tube, what is the meaning of "jackbyte"? Okay, how 'bout: wait for it: JACK_O_RAMOUS F O O L is de snoorie. kosher???????? COOL
snoorie is a fuktard...and the TRUTH is the LIGHT, okeeee?
he is a complete arsewipe deeecked deeeeklesss foooooo
This idiot goes on about THE SMARTEST PHYSICISTS CAN'T SAY WHAT CAUSED THE BIG BANG!!! No shit you idiot...The beginning of wisdom is I DON'T KNOW..
I, too, do not listen to Coast 2 Coast for more than a couple of minutes to determine who is hosting. If it is George Knapp or Richard Syrett, I will listen for the ten-to-fifteen minutes that are allotted between Noory commercials for some substance that is claimed to cure every illness from lethargy to cancer. Sadly, Noory brings no focus of inquisitive talent or critical thinking ability to the job as a host. Most of the time, I think he doses off or watches the clock to see when he has to stop the guests from talking so they can go to a commercial. If the guest has some modicum of intellectual ability, they simple talk past the senselessly-tangential Noory questions. Case in point: one night recently, a guest was lecturing on aspects of times BCE i.e., before the common era, and, apropos of nothing, Noory blurts out "What was the population of the Earth in 900 BC?" You could practically hear the guest roll his eyes, and then respond to say he had no idea (as it was not germane to his information), and continue on with his lecture. I do not waste good sleeping time listening to George ask non sequitur questions that someone has fed him hours before. I see that George is celebrating the start of his 23rd year of hosting. At this point, the producers could just bring on a guest by himself and have the guest lecture for the 15 minutes of the half hour between "snake oil" commercials. As for those "Open Lines" calls, they usually lend nothing to the program, as they seem to call just to tell George what a "genius" host he is. It is sad that the talent that was demonstrated by Art Bell on Coast2Coast was lost way too soon.
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